ForgottenTreehouse is the concept and art studio of e.D. Xu, an artist and storyteller. He weaves fairy tales, myths and conceptual narrative through various mediums. His work incorporates bright, pop visuals that portray dark and somber themes.
✰ the superficial nostalgia of childhood
✰ the elephant in the room
and perspectives on isolation and escapism.
“What is presented in an innocent, childlike way really is multifaceted and smart, playing with archetypes and pulling emotional strings. (He) dresses inner states of consciousness in fairy tale images and surprises us with tiny twists and big revelations.”
His work has been shown all across the world and he actively participates in group shows with:
Hive Gallery, Qpop Shop and Giant Robot.
In the past with Create:Fixate, L’art Pour L’art, Cactus Gallery and IndieCade just to name a few.